These days it seems more difficult than ever to obtain credit, with reams of red tape, numerous obstacles to overcome and what seems like endless boxes to tick.
The good news is that even these more complicated regimes all depend upon a few fundamental rules that, when understood and followed, can drastically improve your chances of finance approval. This book introduces these rules to give you an advantage and demonstrate how you can exploit them to more easily achieve your own financial goals in life.
Discover how the 4 C’s of credit work and you can just about get anything approved.
Learn everything you need to know about the 4 C’s of credit that every lender uses when assessing a credit application. This book introduces these rules to give you an advantage and demonstrate how you can exploit them to more easily achieve your own financial goals in life. Whether you aim to own one home or a dozen!
Through a thorough understanding of the principles underlying the 4 C’s of credit you will be able to ensure that all your future loan applications will be approved with minimal fuss or stress. You’ll also understand why well-located, median-priced residential property is the easiest asset class to use when it comes to securing credit.
Written by property
finance expert & Trilogy Funding
Managing Director, David Thomas
About The Author
Over the past 16 years, David has grown Trilogy Funding into one of Australia’s Top 10 Independent Mortgage Brokerages, settling almost 2 Billion Dollars worth of residential home and investment loans over the last decade. Since 2010, David has personally been ranked in the top 100 Mortgage Brokers Australia Wide according to MPA Magazine.
With a passion for property investment and helping his clients structure their finances to achieve their goals, David’s willingness to share his personal and professional expertise with his clients is unsurpassed. He understands that structuring finances correctly from the outset will ultimately save time and money. It’s for these reasons that David gives his time to speak at various property investor information nights and actively distributes his knowledge through various publications.
“The four excuses banks use to tear up your loan application.”
Discover why banks say ‘no’ and how you can radically boost your chances of getting any property loan approved.