Knowing how government legislation and bank policies impact your investment strategy is a great start, but it’s just the first step…
Unless you actually apply what you’ve learned from this report, chances are you’re going to get a big fat “NO” from your bank sometime soon.
…And trust me, that stings.
(Especially when you know there’s something you could have done to avoid it altogether!)
The quickest and easiest way to find out how you can streamline your future loan applications is to contact us today for a complimentary Property Portfolio Stress Test.
During this 30-minute session, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your purchasing or borrowing plan with a Trilogy Finance Strategist and discover which types of lenders are more likely to fit your needs based on your current lending structure.
You’ll also find out what your future serviceability is likely to be, in line with the tightened bank policies.
You can use the actionable tips you’ll gain from the session to adjust your plans so you don’t need to slow down the growth of your portfolio (and wealth!).