I’ve discussed concepts like the law of attraction, and changing your mindset to change your reality as a successful investor quite a bit of late. But to achieve genuine, lasting success in investment, as with anything we set out to accomplish in life, what really counts are the actions you take!
A thought has power…but only when we act on it.
The law of attraction…fact or fake?
The Universe works in mysterious ways. And a part of its workings include a few irrefutable laws that we all must abide by. Well, we can try to contravene them, but usually that doesn’t end particularly well.
There’s the law of gravity for instance. You can attempt to dispute that law, and break it, by launching yourself off a cliff whilst proclaiming you will defy gravity with your mind. But guess what…that is never going to end well in this reality.
Many ‘experts’ of modern science claim that the law of attraction is quasi-pseudoscience at best and a complete lie at worst. However, there seems to be irrefutable proof of the fact that those who think positively, set clear goals, and focus on those goals with laser like intent, often seem to succeed in accomplishing them.
Just as those who always think the worst…
- There’s never enough.
- Bad things always happen to me.
- My life sucks!
…Seem to attract more of the same. More lack. More scarcity. More financial issues. More drama.
The fundamental principle of the law of attraction is that whatever you think or feel, you reflect out into the Universe as energy. And because ‘like attracts like’, you get a reflection of that same energy back as your ‘reality’.
So…if you think and feel ‘rich’, you are more likely to become wealthy. Many books have been written on this philosophy, and many teachings – ancient and more recent – attest to the existence of this law as a Universal truth.
So perhaps there’s something to it that we’d be foolish to deny?
Actions speak louder…
Some Law of Attraction proponents will tell you that as long as you think something is real, it will become real. They will tell you not to make plans around the things you want to attract, because that suggests you do not have the necessary faith in the Universe to reflect what you desire back at you.
However, this is denying another indisputable truth. Words without action rarely lead to riches. Or success of any kind.
Think of it like baking a cake. If you have all the ingredients sitting on the bench – all the good stuff to go into making that perfect chocolate cake – but you don’t follow any recipe or method of baking, randomly throwing stuff into a tin, then throwing the tin into an oven. Do you think you’re going to end up with a delicious chocolate cake at the end?
Planning is an essential aspect of the law of attraction. Plotting your trajectory means focusing on the end goal without getting too side-tracked along the way. It is also a part of showing your intentions to the Universe, if you like…
Surely planning to succeed is putting that good ‘juju’ vibe out in to the world, as the Law of Attraction suggests we should?
A plan doesn’t need to be set in stone mind you, or followed to the letter. It just needs to be a rough guide by which we navigate the seas of life, to reach the shore successfully and in one piece!
Take Action!
Applying logic – which all good laws are based on – it stands to reason that you also won’t end up with the perfect chocolate cake by sitting there, daydreaming about it. You cannot decide I want chocolate cake, and then bust a pfoofer valve (silent “P’…made it up!) in your brain, trying to manifest a chocolate cake with your mind!
No. You must take the necessary steps to bake and cook the cake, right? The same applies to creating a successful property investment portfolio. Thinking like a successful, wealthy investor is only half the battle.
You have to have faith in your own decisions and yes, to some degree the Universe too, in order to take the necessary actions to achieve your vision. You have to keep putting one foot in front of the other and walk, with clarity and determination, toward that vision.
So how do you become that decisive action taker, working alongside the Law of Attraction to create your financial success as an investor?
- Know why you are investing – what is your why? What is your end objective? What do you want to manifest into your reality?
- With that clarity in mind, focus on your goal and stay true to your purpose. Do this by planning your path and then sticking to it. Only detouring if your instincts tell you it’s right to do so.
- On the above note…learn to trust your own instincts! This also includes your instinct around when you should and shouldn’t seek advice from external experts…and which experts to trust!
- Feel the fear and do it anyway! You will have moments on your investment journey where you’re about to spend a lot of money and go into a lot of debt to realise your dreams. This can be a scary prospect. But on the other side of fear, often lie the greatest opportunities and rewards!
- Keep taking action…and yes, go with the flow somewhat. You have to be prepared to change things up according to what’s happening in the world around you as an investor. Have a plan. But know there also needs to be room to move.
So…what are you asking for from life? And how are you showing up, and taking the necessary steps to realise that dream?