Who do you trust? This is an incredibly important question for property investors to consider, and then answer with forthright honesty. Do you trust your own instincts?
Or are you more inclined to listen to a multitude of other experts before you give your own inner voice any credit? And if it’s the latter one, which experts should you pay attention to?
First know thyself
To make money as a successful property investor in today’s markets, where the messages are mixed to say the least, requires tenacity and confidence in your abilities as a decisive action taker.
When you fail to understand who you are and what your objectives are regarding your own financial freedom and the future wellbeing of your family, then you have no real motive to succeed in your investment endeavours.
And without a real motive – a real driving passion, then there’s no real reason for you to try very hard is there? There’s no need for commitment. You can quite happily wander around in a state of perpetual procrastination even, without a clear destination to arrive at anytime soon. And let’s face it..most people do just that!
So the first step, on a successful climb up to the top of the property ladder, is to work out what is driving you to do so? Why do you want to create a wealth generating real estate portfolio?
Is it to retire early and enjoy more time with your family? To travel the world and have wonderful, exotic adventures? So you have more to give back to friends, family and your community and more to contribute to the world?
Whatever your WHY might be, you need to uncover it, embrace it and keep it firmly in sight on your horizon as you keep walking forward into your growing and evolving future financial prosperity. If you chop and change your why every week, it just won’t work for you.
One reason you’ll end up failing when you fail to connect with your WHY is because you won’t actually understand the authentic reason you have to succeed. And that’s important to understand!
Because when you want to succeed at something, when you’re passionate about it because you have very good reason to be – like it changing your family’s lives for the better and securing your children’s’ financial future – you are far more likely to do so! And you are far more likely to be your own best counsel!
Why? Pay close attention here…Because no one will ever care about your success as much as you do!
Listen to me!
From a very tender age we’re taught that someone always knows better than us. Teachers, parents, our friends’ parents (no matter how dysfunctional their family might have seemed), everyone who was a foot or more taller than us…everyone virtually knew better than us kids!
The problem with this message is that eventually, we forget to trust ourselves at all. Instead, we constantly look to someone else who ‘knows better’ to solve whatever problem we might have.
And while it’s all well and good to consult the ‘experts’, and you should definitely do so when you want to succeed…you also have to know which experts you should be listening to and which you should be steering clear of. And how do you know that? Your own internal radar is how!
But if you’ve switched it off and are no longer listening to your own, internal GPS, then how do you recognise the good advice – the advice that resonates and aligns specifically with your WHY, from the bad – the stuff that’s going to waste your time and money?
Feeling it
When you’re attuned to your reason for wanting to invest in real estate, you’ll very quickly be able to weed out the relevant information, knowledge and experts you want to engage and connect with.
Something they say will make you sit up and pay attention. Your Google Maps will go off (whatever that means!) and you’ll want to pay that person money to tell you everything they know on the topic of property investment as active investors themselves. That last bit of that last sentence is particularly important! You don’t want to learn from just anyone!
Mentors and mastermind groups are great assets for the conscious, decisive, action taking property investor. And you will use them to your best advantage when you know how to apply their wonderful insights and experience to your own journey, because you can see where their story aligns with your future vision.
You’ll be digging what they have to say, so you’ll pay close attention and take that decisive action you’re so good at! And that’s how you get the proverbial done as a property investor!