Paying off your home loan faster doesn’t just provide the security of owning your property outright sooner – it can also be a lucrative wealth-building strategy. The calculus behind this is simple: by reducing your mortgage term you’ll pay less interest, which in turn frees up cash flow for other wealth-generating opportunities. So, how can […]
READ POSTProperty investment is one of Australia’s most popular vehicles for building wealth. However, like every investment strategy, the decisions you must make will shape its success. And one of those decisions is choosing between a new property, or an existing one. In this article, I’ll compare the pros and cons of buying new and existing […]
READ POSTMany homeowners struggle with the decision to pay off their home loan before investing in property. With interest rates fluctuating and Aussie property markets defying the odds, it’s not always clear which path offers the right mix of financial security and growth potential. Sure, if you pay off your home loan, you’ll have plenty of […]
READ POSTAn important part of maintaining a mortgage is conducting regular reviews. This ensures you’re getting a competitive deal, and that your loan’s features remain neatly aligned with your financial goals. By its very nature, the loan market evolves to meet the fluctuations of reserve bank interest rates. New lenders and loan products emerge on the […]